We are welcomed to the show by Josh Matthews and Ernest "The Cat" Miller, just 1 day before Vengeance like and exclusively on pay per view.
Match #1
Nunzio vs Orlando Jordan
Orlando starts out hot with some leapfrogs, a back body drop, and a drop kick to get a 2 count. Then he hits a few arm drags, a fireman's carry and locks in an arm bar. Nunzio hangs on to the top rope to get out and lands a slingshot elbow for a 2 count and locks in a chin lock. A devastating looking mule kick for 2 by Nunzio. He then goes to his second rest hold in this short match with a neck vise. The ref catches Nunzio grabbing the rope for leverage. While the leader of the FBI is complaining to the ref, Orlando catches him with an electric chair, Nunzio gives us the "No, please, No" in Italian I would presume which is "no, per favore, no".
Orlando comes back with some TaeBo punches and a back body drop for a 2 count. Nunzio gets caught trying to come off the top rope, but punches Orlando Jordan off of him, to hit a violent looking dropkick from the top to Orlando's chest. Nunzio is bleeding above his left eye at this point. Jordan nails Black Ice out of nowhere for the 1-2-3 in 5:18. (** 1/2 mostly for the great drop kicks from both guys).
Match #2
Kanyon vs Ryan Sakoda
Sakoda gets going quickly with some arm drags, shoulder block, backslide, and cross body. Kanyon begs off in the corner and suckers the rookie in and lands some punches in the corner. Kanyon nails a second rope leg assisted bulldog and the a 2nd rope inside out super plex for 2. Both moves were pretty unique and Josh rightfully calls Kanyon and offensive innovator. Sakoda gets his boots up to stop a charge. Kanyon heads to the outside to clear the cobwebs and Sakoda peruses. On the way back in, Kanyon catches Sakoda with a swinging neck breaker. Kanyon hits a side slam and cinches in a head lock. Sakoda lands a back drop to get out and then a pre Kofi Kingston S.O.S. for two. The rookie heads to the top rope and gets caught with Flatliner on his dive for a 3 count in 4:52. (**).
Match #3 Spanky and Funaki vs The Basham Brothers with Shaniqua
*** I am watching this on Youtube pre HD. I can't tell the Bashams apart so if the announcers don't mention which one it is, I am at a loss ***
The Bashams stop in the aisle to give Shaniqua's boots a licking.
Funaki and a Basham trade some basics, arm wrenches, roll throughs, etc... The other Basham is tagged in for more of the same. Funaki hits a flipping head scissors to create space. Tag to Spanky and then connect on a drop toe hold, camel clutch, drop kick to the face shades of Kai en tai sequence with Josh name dropping Taka Michinoku.
Spanky goes hits a Tiger Mask into a drop kick coming out of the corner. He heads off the ropes but Shaniqua trips him up. This leads to a conversation about Shaniqua's magic stick and Josh and The Cat debate whether the song was done by 2Pac or 50 Cent. I will let you guess which announcer had which rapper on that one. A Basham nails Spanky with a flapjack and the crowd starts a Spanky chant to motivate him while Kendrick eats some forearms to the mush. Doug hits a Vader Bomb style elbow drop. The announcers inform us that Sable has been hosting Slammin' Saturday Night on Spike TV which I remember being Velocity, Confidential and third non WWE show that is escaping me. If you know what it is please tell me in the comments.
The Bashams hit their slingshot bulldog combo (Meat Curtain) on Spanky and Funaki breaks up the count. Spanky eats a running knee in the corner, but finally breaks free with a jawbreaker out of a headlock and an enziguri kick to finally get the tag to Funaki. Funaki hits a bulldog and the other non bulldog victim Basham breaks up the count. Spanky is back up and hits a drop kick from the top rope. The cruiserweights hits stereo drop kicks. Spanky heads to the apron to scale the turnbuckles but Shaniqua trips him again and he face plants on the steps in a good spot. Funaki gets hit with the Ball and Gag for the 3 count in 7:08. (***)
We head of the air and reminded to purchase Vengeance.
Pre Vengeance Heat July 27, 2003. In storyline, Vince McMahon ordered Smackdown to take over Heat this week.
Announcers: Tazz and Michael Cole
Match #1 and only
Ultimo Dragon vs Kanyon
(Double Kanyon weekend baby!!!)
Kanyon is already in the ring and gets the jobber entrance. Dragon starts with a head lock, trip up, series of stiff kicks for 2. Kanyon comes back with a reverse face buster for his own near fall. Then a backbreaker, body slam, knees to the back, and headlock. This brings a Kanyon sucks from the crowd. Ultimo fires back and nails a crossbody. He goes for a second one but Kanyon catches him and hits a table top suplex. Kanyon hauls the Dragon up to the top rope for what appears to be an elevated Papoose to Go/White Noise from the top, but the Dragon has no intentions of being murdered on a C show and wiggles out to powerbomb Kanyon off the top. Dragon starts kicking repeatedly in buttocks, giving Kanyon the Forrest Gump in Vietnam treatment. They trade some hard kicks until Dragon hits a for lack of the proper term a turnover death drop for the win in 4:06. (**1/2).
Vengeance starts in a minute so hurry up and order!
I'll see you next week.
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