Friday, December 13, 2024

RuthlessCEE Aggresive: Heat and Velocity reviews (October 11th and 12th, 2003)


We start off on our Slamming Saturday Night being greeted by Josh Mathews and Taz.  

Match #1 
Rey Mysterio vs Kanyon

Kanyon backs Rey into the corner, misses some blows but takes back control with some elbows to the back of the head.  Rey ducks a few clotheslines but gets cut down with a kick to the stomach.  Josh Mathews says that Rey is like Dante Hall, the human joystick.  Haven't heard about the Chiefs kick return specialist in a long time.  Mysterio reverses a powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana.  Rey slams Kanyon's head into each turnbuckle a few times and then the mat once for good measure.  Rey sends Kanyon into the turnbuckle and then proceeds to bust his bronco. Kanyon lands on the middle rope after a drop toe hold, but wisely bails before the 619 can be hit.  Rey hits him with a drop kick through the ropes instead.  Rey goes for a dive outside but Kanyon catches him and tosses him into the barricade.  Kanyon puts him up against the ring post in the ring and crushes him with a baseball slide. Kanyon then grabs Rey's head and legs and folds him around the post some more.  Kanyon gets a 2 count.  Kayon buries his knee into Rey's spine for a submission attempt.  Rey almost escapes twice only to get taken back down into the hold.  Mysterio finally does break free and goes for a tilt-a-whirl only for Kanyon to catch him with a vertical suplex for another 2 count.  Mysterio slides down Kanyon's back and hits a reverse DDT for a near fall.  Rey crawls between Kayon's legs for a quick kick to the knee and then a baseball slide into the groin.  Rey goes to the top for a seated senton for a two count.  Kanyon catches Rey on a another dive attempt and takes two back breakers.  Kanyon tries to get the cover with his feet on the ropes, but the referee catches him.  They fight with Rey on the apron.  Rey climbs the ropes and bulldogs Kanyon on to the second rope on the other side of the ring in a really cool spot that I don't remember ever seeing before.  Mysterio hits the 619 and the west coast pop to gain the win in 7:22 (*** 1/2)

Match #2 
Matt Hardy vs Tyson Dux

Tyson Dux gets an entrance.  He does some weird convulsion dance that Tazz and Josh are fans of from a previous match.  Dux had several dark matches at TV tapings but he last was televised from the previous October in a loss to Chavo on Velocity.  Dux starts out in control with a snap mare and drop kick.  He mocks the V1 hand signal and yell and hits a head scissors for a 2 count.  Matt catches Dux for a side effect, snake eyes, and leaping clothesline. Hardy stands on Dux's head but surprises Hardy with a roll up for 2.  Hardy locks in an arm stretch, but Dux escapes and hits a DDT to put both men down.  Dux is up first and hits Hardy with a drop kick.  Dux heads to the top for a crossbody and Hardy kicks out at 2.  Dux starts move epilictic dancing and mocking of V1.  He heads back to the top where Hardy cuts him off with some punches and takes him out with a top rope Twist of Fate for the win in 4:32. (*3/4)

Match #3
Billy Kidman vs Bobby Rude in a purple cape

Kidman starts with a hurricanrana in the ring and follows it up with hurricarana to the floor.  Kidman attempts a dive to the outside but misses.  Rude lays in the boots and tosses him into the barricade. Rude tosses him back into the ring for some elbow drops.  Kidman fires back but gets cut down with an underhook suplex.  Kidman comes back again this time with a dropkick, flying forearm, clothesline, back body drop, but gets caught with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker.   Kidman escapes a suplex and gets a roll up for two.  A glorious spinebuster by Rude.  Kidman hits a enziguri that puts Rude's lights out and follows it up with a shooting star press for the win in 4:24. (**)

In the back, Matt Hardy says that he is so proud of Shannon because of his win over Zach Gowen on Thursday on Smackdown.  He is going to reward him with a special gift this week on Smackdown.  

Match #4
Charlie Haas vs Funaki

Haas take Funaki down with a headlock and controls Funaki on the mat.  They trade leg sweeps and pin attempts.  Funaki gets mowed down by a clothesline.  Funaki chops back but gets caught and face planted on the top turnbuckle and then Haas crushes him with a back breaker.  Haas sends him into the corner with a hard irish whip.  Hass then locks in an arm bar.  Funaki fights free and hits a neck breaker.  Then Funaki has a flurry of a reverse DDT, dropkick, and a bulldog but only gets a near fall.  Funaki goes for a crossbody but Haas rolls through for a 2 count.  Haas pushes Funaki off of a Rising Sun DDT attempt and locks in the Haas of Pain for the submission for the victory in 5:15. (*3/4)

It's time for Heat as we are greeted by Al Snow and The Coach.  

Match #1
Test with sad Stacy Keibler vs Tommy Dreamer with an emotionless Singapore cane

Test starts out with a body slam but misses the big elbow drop.  Tommy Dreamer does a weird strut that Stacy and our commentary team make seem like is mocking Test, but I don't get it.  Dreamer tosses Test over the top after dodging a charge.  Dreamer hits him with a baseball slide.  On the outside, Test pulls Stacy in front of him as a human shield.  Test uses the distraction to impale Tommy on his testicles on the barricade.  Test tosses Dreamer back in the ring and hits some heavy corner running clotheslines.  He celebrates with some jumping jacks.  Test attacks with a body slam but his top rope double ax handle is met with a boot.  Tommy gets his first sequence of the match with a neck breaker and a Russian Leg Sweep.  Test gets back the advantage with a full nelson slam.  Test goes for the big boot but Stacy grabs his leg to prevent it.  Stacy surprisingly hangs Test's throat on the top rope. Test stumbles into a dreamer bomb for a near fall.  Keibler tells Dreamer that he should hit a flip off the top rope onto Test and he agrees with this plan, showing that neither one of them has ever watched a Tommy Dreamer match in their lives.  Test kicks the ref into the ropes and Tommy does damage to his testicles yet again.  Test goes for the cover and tries to put his feet on the ropes but Stacy knocks them off.  Test grabs Tommy's kendo stick and goes to blast Tommy with it but Stacy enters the ring and tries to disarm him.  Test goes to crack Stacy with the weapon but Tommy successfully disarms him.  Dreamer goes to hit Test but the big man moves and Tommy pulls up before he hits Stacy.  The momentary lapse in judgment allows Test to hit the big boot and get the win in 4:47. (*1/2)

Teri interviews Val Venis.  She asks about why Val had a camera last week.  He makes some comments about how they used to hook up back in the day and then explains that he has started his own adult movie company.  Venis Video Productions.  He is looking for hot chicks to be in his movies but since he will behind the camera he is also looking for the next Great American Super Stud.  He says Great American Super Stud several times. I did not know this was the specific name for this role.  He will be going all over America to find them so every one should be getting ready for the camera.  

Match #2
Val Venis vs Eric Young

Val and Eric trade arm bars to start.  Val bring him down and wrenches on the arm a bit more.  Val hits a shoulder block and a Russian leg sweep which is mixed in with a few knees to the midsection.  Eric Young gets in control with a DDT, back body drop, and back breaker.  The advantage is short lived as Val takes back over with a clothesline flurry, back body drop and finishes the Canadian with a Money Shot in 4:08. (*)

Match #3
The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and Devon) defend the World Tag Team Titles vs La Restiance (Rob Conway, Renee Dupree with Sylvain Grenier)


The Dudleys make quick tags to start and dominate Rene Dupree with strikes.  Loud "USA" chants from the crowd.  Eventually the heels corner Devon and get their own set of quick tags and strikes.  Devon breaks free with a spinning elbow and body slam.  All four men in the ring as Bubba squishes both heels in the corner and Las Resistance bails before we head to commercial break.

Back from commercial, Dupree and Bubba are the legal men as we return.  The non legal heels grab Bubba by the feet and crush his testicles on the ring post, not a great night to be an ex ECW wrestlers' testicles.  Dupree hits a back body drop on Bubba and this sets the heels up for several more quick tags and strikes followed by a Dupree neck vice.  Eventually Conway hooks in a sleeper but Bubba hits a belly to back suplex to spring free.  He makes the tag but the heels have distracted the referee so he doesn't let Devon in the ring.  Bubba immediately hits a desperation Bubba bomb and this time the ref sees the hot tag.  Devon comes in and hits a few slams and clotheslines on the heels.  Bubba blind tags back in and they go for the 3D but are unable to hit it, but settle for a reversed 3D but the count is broken up.  Sylvain gets on the apron and distracts the referee but the plan backfires as the Devon hits the Wazzzup head butt splash.  Bubba inquires to Devon if would locate the tables because they must have company coming over for dinner.  When Devon gets under the ring, Sylvain wipes him out.  In the ring Conway accidently hits Sylvain when he heads up on the apron.  Dupree take over Bubba in the ring but Devon has recovered and sneaks in for the 3D to pick up the victory in 6:47 (**1/4).

Will someone cash in on the bounty on Bill Goldberg?  Tune in tomorrow night. 

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