Friday, September 20, 2024

RuthlessCEE Aggresive: Heat and Velocity reviews (September 27/28, 2003)


Our announcers are once again Josh Matthews and Tazz.  I have not missed Ernest Miller at all behind the desk. 

Match #1 

Nunzio vs Billy Kidman

They trade takedowns to start.  Kidman gets a few deep arm drags and follows it up with a hurricanrana.  Nunzio lows bridges the top rope and Kidman spills to the outside.  Nunzio rams Kidman into the barricade and the ring apron.  Once back in the ring, Nunzio applies an arm stretch.  Kidman tries to go up and over but Nunzio pulls him off by the legs and Kidman eats canvas.  The leader of the FBI hooks in a chin lock.  Kidman heads butt out of it but misses a corner splash but catches Nunzio with a desperation drop kick.  Both men are down as the official offers a count.  Kidman hits a few clotheslines and a back body drop.  Kidman his an inverted Go to Sleep neck breaker for lack of a better term.  Nunzio takes back control with a reverse elbow and a flying top rope clothesline for a two count.  Kidman comes back with a reverse BK bomb for his own two count.  Nunzio nails a DDT for two as the men are just trading bombs, not a fan of it.  Kidman hits an enziguri out of nowhere, drags Nunzio into the corner, and hits the Shooting Star Press for the win in 5:55.  I got what they were going for here of a big back and forth battle but it didn't flow well. (**1/2)

Match #2 

Sean O'Haire vs Crowbar

O'Haire hits a few shoulder blocks to start.  Josh tells us that Crowbar is former tag champion, cruiserweight, and Hardcore champion in WCW.  Crowbar has added some pounds so I don't think he is qualifying for the cruiserweight title.  Josh brings up that Tazz has had a match against Crowbar and then the two banter in funny argument around the fact that Tazz hasn't faced Crowbar but he did face Devon Storm.  
Crowbar brings O'haire down with a drop toe hold.  O'Haire gets back up and takes Crowbar down with headlock and then locks in a body scissors.  Crowbar escapes and locks in another headlock.  O'Haire lands some chest slaps, Crowbar ducks the clothesline and hits a drop kick, but the former champion gets cut off quickly for a clothesline that Crowbar jump sells and O'Haire was not ready for so it seemed like a misapplied side slam.  O'Haire stomps away and then chokes Crowbar on the middle rope which transitions into an armbar.  O'Haire lands some knees in the corner before returning to an arm bar.  O'Haire beils Crowbar across the ring and then stands over his fallen combatint to taunt but eats a boot to the mush in exchange for his hubris.  He recovers to lock on yet another arm bar.  Eventually O'haire picks up Crowbar and hits an inverted death valley driver to pick up the victory in 5:48.  (3/4*)

Match #3
Ultimo Dragon and Funaki vs Joey Matthews and Jason Porcaro

Joey Matthews and Funaki start off.  Funaki grabs a headlock, two arm drags, and a drop kick.  Funaki tags in Ultimo Dragon and the hit a double team back elbow.  Dragon lays in some knees but Porcaro manages to escape and make the tag.  Matthews and Dragon trade chops until Dragon brings him down with a leg sweep and then a rapid succession of kicks.  Funaki is back in and lands some elbows until Matthews tags back in Porcaro.  Porcaro catches Funaki with a leg sweep, knee to the face into a head and arm stretch.  Funaki tries a back slide but gets cut down with a big clothesline after the kickout.  Matthew is back in and locks in a headlock.  He misses a corner splash and Funaki capitalizes with a bulldog.  Both men crawl to the corner to tag.  Dragon with a quick dropkick, spinning heel kick, crossbody combo. Matthews comes back in illegally and gets a slam and some kicks. Then Dragon plants Porcaro with a springboard moonsault and a german suplex for the pin which is broken up by Matthews.  Funaki tosses him outside and hits him with a plancha.  Dragon nails Porcaro with a float over reverse DDT to win in 6:03.  (**1/4)

Match #4 

Rhyno vs Orlando Jordan

Rhyno lands some heavy strikes and transitions into a headlock and then a shoulder block.  Jordan dodges a second shoulder block and dumps Rhyno outside.  Jordan hits Rhyno with a baseball slide and follows in up with a top rope cross body.  Rhyno takes back the advantage with a spine buster.  Rhyno picks up Jordan in a powerbomb position and then throws him backwards face first into the top turnbuckle in a fun spot.  Rhyno then hits a huge clothesline and then locks in a chin lock.  OJ works out and gets a backslide for 2.  Rhyno immediately flattens Jordan with a belly to belly suplex.  Rhyno goes for the gore but Jordan side steps him and the man beast crashes into the turnbuckles.  Orlando with a quick flurry of two flying forearms, a dropkick, the Johnson shuffle punches, spinning powerslam for a 2 count.  Rhyno hits a crushing clothesline and then turns OJ inside out on the Gore to get the victory with in 5:11 (**3/4)

Coach and Al Snow are still our Heat commentary team despite the duo taking over Raw.

Match #1 

Val Venis vs Steven Richards with Victoria

They trade some chain take downs, leap frogs.  Val gets an armbar and then works over the elbow.  Victoria grabs Val's leg which allows Steven to hit a side slam.  Richards then lands a neck breaker and chokes Val on the middle rope. Steven's elbow gives out on a suplex attempt.  Val uses the moment to hit a stiff kick.  They trade big strikes until Val takes over with repeated knees to the stomach and Russian leg sweep.  Richards hits a thumb to the eye but Val is still able to land a big spine buster. Val hooks in a key lock on Richards' damaged elbow.  Richards manages to crawl to the ropes and get his foot on to force the break.  Val charges at Richards in the corner, but Richards gets the boot up and tries a pin with his feet on the ropes, but the ref catches him.  Richards holds Val as Victoria climbs to the top rope, but Val breaks free and pushes Stevie elbow first into the turnbuckle, knocking Victoria off.  Val lifts Stevie high into the air for a half nelson slam for the win in 6:03. (***).

After the match, Stevie jumps Val from behind while Val was trying to find a lady to give his towel too.  Richards and Victoria team up to choke Val withe the towel.  Victoria slaps Val and then Richards drops him with a towel assisted neck breaker.  

Match #2
Rodney Mack vs Jason Porcaro

Mack overpowers our local competitor of the start.  Lots of hard strikes.  Pocaro tries a top rope move but eats a big clothesline and some giant elbow drops.  Spine buster by Mack ends it in 1:19 which included Mack taking off his ring jacket post bell.  Gentleman's squash *.

Match #3

Rico vs Austin Kincaid

Rico starts off with a lot of crowd preening.  Austin Kincaid gets a headlock but Rico pinches his butt to be released.  Rico hits a shoulder block and then jumps into Kincaid's arms and plants a kiss on his cheek like Bugs Bunny.  Rico then goes behind Austin Fudd er Kincaid and thrusts happily.  Rico hits some unique but devastating kicks.  Austin Kincaid gets wrapped up in the ropes and Rico chokes him and then gives him one beat of the bowery. Rico lands a double ax handle from the top rope, then a hip toss neck breaker in a great combination.  He misses a moonsault and Kincaid goes on attack for the first time with reverse and regular atomic drops and a running elbow.  Kincaid gets caught mid air by a Rico dropkick.  Spinning round house kick to give Rico the victory in 6:51. (** 3/4)  I enjoyed this way more than I should have. If you believe that Rico was underutilized, this is defense exhibit A.

Match #4

Crowbar vs Scott Steiner

Crowbar attacks before the bell, misses, gets repeatedly chopped.  Steiner then unleashes in quick order, belly to belly suplex, clothesline over the top rope, throw in the ring steps, suplex on the ramp, pushups to the face, clothesline, flexing elbow drop, more taunting pushups, Novocain for the win in 1:39. (*)  On commentary Coach mentions that Crowbar was a former WCW star that we haven't seen for awhile.  Apparently Coach does not watch Velocity because Crowbar was on last night. While commentary says that Steiner is taking out all of his anger on Crowbar because he is controlled by Test now, neither Test or Stacy Keibler are on in screen in any way.  

Coach vs JR is hyped for Raw tomorrow night.  

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